Kaandlwaal tour

General description

The wonderful wooden irrigation channel set in Val Martello’s Selva is an attraction for young and old. It is ideal for a family excursion thanks to its marvelous location at the sunny slope.

Route description
The wooden irrigation channel, also known as the ‘Kaandlwool’, starts at the Stallwies hiking car park. From there, we follow trail no. 5 until we cross the Mountain Farmer Trail. We then continue along the eponymous ‘Kaandlwaal’ through beautiful forest with a marvellous mountain backdrop in front of us. We return to our starting point via trail no. 15A. However, every year, always at the same time, around Sonta Hons (24 June, St John's Day), the spring reaches its highest flow, which lasts well into the winter.
Ufficio per il Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio
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